I have placed various in-depth studies on this blog, so that if anyone was hungry enough for a deeper understanding of the word, they would have a place to begin.
It has been taught by many that the Greek Septuagint also known of as the LXX, is actually superior to the present-day Hebrew Old Testament. This idea is based on New Testament quotations from the Old Testament, which seem to match more closely with the Greek LXX then with the Hebrew Scriptures.
For these reasons and many more, I have undertaken to study the Old Testament Hebrew, and compare it verse to verse with the Greek LXX and another early translation called the Aramaic Peshitta.
Enclosed is just a few of the studies I have found in my search!
In my comparisons, I have found, that the scholars who are making such bold claims, do not even know how to ask the right questions, must less, give answers!
But one thing is certain, a in depth study and comparison of the entire Torah, will open one's eyes to a whole new depth of biblical understanding.
These in-depth studies are specifically for the end time remnant. For we are going to hear every false prophet claiming multitudes of Divine revelation, but we will remain unmoved, as we have been deeply rooted in scripture. And the wind of false doctrines which abound, even among Messianic and Sacred name assemblies, will not cause us to slip, for we will be established in head and heart knowledge, so our faith will not waiver.
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