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Branch or rising sun?


Zech 3:8 My Servant the Branch/My Servant the Rising Sun

Zec 3:8 KJV Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, thou, and thy fellows that sit before thee: for they are men wondered at: for, behold, I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH.

Zec 3:8 LBP (ES) Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, you and your fellows who stand before you; for you are marvelous men: Behold, I will bring forth the rising of the sun upon my servant.

Or: my servant the rising sun

To understand how ancient Jews understood the phrase "my servant the branch", as "my servant the rising sun", one must make a close inspection of related Hebrew words to get the clear picture:

Samach means joy, from the picture of the sun shining upon the garden, and the rain falling upon the garden, and watching the flowers come to life and grow.

zamach means joy from the picture of cutting off one of these flowers and sharing it with others.

However, taking a sickle to the garden implies the pruning process.  A process which seems grievous, but in the end produces a beautiful thriving garden of pure joy. 

tsamach means branch from the picture of the branch laying upon its side and hiding behind the leaves. in the midst of the garden.

ramach means spear from the picture of adding the head to the end of the branch found in the garden

Without the rising sun, there is no spear, no branch, no flower, and no garden.  However, the enclosed garden comes to life with plenty of sunshine and water.  And these ancient Jews knew that only the one called "my servant the Rising sun"  was able to water the garden, give it plenty of sunshine and cause it to grow plentifully.

May Yah provide plenty of sunshine and water to your life as Yeshua! LIFE!

These ancients Jews understood about the branch, hidden behind the leaves, in the midst of the foliage.  However they wanted us to see beyond the branch, to behold the gardener who watered the garden. But, even this was not enough, they longed to show us even more than the gardener, they wanted us to see the light giver: “Yeshua the servant of יהוה”!

2Co 4:4 OANT PsPv Those whose intellects The God of this world has blinded, because they do not believe, lest the light of The Gospel of the glory of The Messiah, who is the image of God, should dawn upon them.

2Co 4:6 OANT PsPv For God', who spoke that light would shine out of the darkness, has dawned in our hearts that we would be enlightened with the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Yeshua The Messiah.

Eph 5:9 OANT PsPv For the fruits of The Light* are in all goodness, righteousness and truth.

 Note: Greek reads "spirit"

Eph 5:13 OANT PsPv For all things are corrected by The Light and they are revealed, and everything that reveals* is light.

Are you the fruit of the light, in the midst of the garden? 

Zec 3:8 ABP άκουε  Hear δη  indeed, Ιησού  O Joshua ο  the ιερεύς  [ 2 priest ο μέγας   1 great]! συ  you και  and οι πλησίον σου  your neighbors, οι  the ones καθήμενοι  sitting down πρό  before προσώπου  in front σου  of you. διότι  For άνδρες  [ 2 men τερατοσκόποι   3 that are observers of signs εισίν   1 they are]. διότι  For ιδού  behold, εγώ  I άγω  will bring τον δούλον μου  my servant -- ανατολήν  rising.


Original: ἀνατολή

Transliteration: anatolē

Phonetic: an-at-ol-ay'

Thayer Definition:

a rising (of the sun and stars)

the east (the direction of the sun's rising)

Origin: from G393

TDNT entry: 06:52,6

Part(s) of speech: Noun Feminine

Strong's Definition: From G393; a rising of light, that is, dawn (figuratively); by implication the east (also in plural): - dayspring, east, rising.

Zec 3:8 AEIB שמע  hear ישוע  Yeshua כהנא  Priest רבא  High אנת  you וחבריך  and your companions הלין  these דקימין  who are standing קדמיך  before you מטל  because דגברא  that men אנתון  you are דתדמורתא  """the Wonder" דהא  for behold מיתא  bring אנא  I לעבדי  my Servant דנחא  * The Sunrise.

The LXX renders simply "rising", which is from the tzade in tzamach, which is a picture of one laying down in this well watered garden, and then of course rising up, perhaps to take people by surprise, unexpectantly. As one hidden in the tall grass or among the trees, and suddenly coming upon you unaware.

The Peshitta takes this idea of rising and mixes it with the Shiyn of shamash (sun), to targum the idea of the rising sun.  Usually it is the LXX which targums, but here it is the

This is not the only place this is found, here is another example: But here tzamach is taken as to shine forth, as the dawning of the sun.  This again speaks of the Messiah who will give life giving light to all his kingdom.

Isa 4:2 RNKJV In that day shall the branch of YHWH be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel.

Isa 4:2 ABP2006 wo cr In that day [shall shine forth God] in counsel with glory upon the earth to exalt and to glorify the one left behind of Israel.

Isa 4:2 LBP (ES) In that day shall the glory and honor of the LORD shine forth, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for the remnant of Israel.


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