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Door of enticement


Gen 4:7

Gen 4:7 KJV If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.

Gen 4:7 FCAB-TORAH ONLY Behold, if you do right, I accept it, and if you will not do right, sin lies in wait before the door; you are going to be converted to it and it will have authority over you".

Gen 4:7 LOGOS Have you not sinned if you have brought it rightly, but not rightly divided it? Be still, to you shall be his submission, and you shall rule over him.”

You may notice that the LXX lacks the word  door, which is patach in Hebrew.  Apparently they got the idea of “divided”, from a similar looking Hebrew word “patah”, which actually means  “entice”.  You see, someone who is enticed to sin, is divided in their mind and heart.  

If you can understand what you are looking at, you will see that the Greek is following the Hebrew word order, but simply piecing it together differently, by breaking the phrases off in different places.  

If you have properly brought your offering, but were not proper in your  attitude, you have sinned….

It seems strange seeing the LXX translate “rabetz”, as “Be still”, yet one who is “crouching and or lying down” is being very still.  

You also may notice a total lack of respect for personal pronouns.  Who will submit to who, who will rule who.  The Peshitta is simple and straightforward.  The LXX appears to be targuming.  And the Hebrew is multifaceted as usual.  


Original: פּתח

Transliteration: pethach

Phonetic: peh'-thakh

BDB Definition:

opening, doorway, entrance

Origin: from H6605

TWOT entry: 1854a

Part(s) of speech: Noun Masculine

Strong's Definition: From H6605; an opening (literally), that is, door (gate) or entrance way: - door, entering (in), entrance (-ry), gate, opening, place.


Original: פּתה

Transliteration: pâthâh

Phonetic: paw-thaw'

BDB Definition:

to be spacious, be open, be wide

(Qal) to be spacious or open or wide

(Hiphil) to make spacious, make open

to be simple, entice, deceive, persuade


to be open-minded, be simple, be naive

to be enticed, be deceived

(Niphal) to be deceived, be gullible


to persuade, seduce

to deceive


to be persuaded

to be deceived

Origin: a primitive root

TWOT entry: 1853

Part(s) of speech: Verb

Strong's Definition: A primitive root; to open, that is, be (causatively make) roomy ; usually figuratively (in a mental or moral sense) to be (causatively make) simple or (in a sinister way) delude: - allure, deceive, enlarge, entice, flatter, persuade, silly (one).


Original: רבץ

Transliteration: râbats

Phonetic: raw-bats'

BDB Definition:

to stretch oneself out, lie down, lie stretched out

(Qal) to lie down, lie

(Hiphil) to cause to lie down

laying (stones)

Origin: a primitive root

TWOT entry: 2109

Part(s) of speech: Verb

Strong's Definition: A primitive root; to crouch (on all four legs folded, like a recumbent animal); by implication to recline, repose, brood, lurk, imbed: - crouch (down), fall down, make a fold, lay (cause to, make to) lie (down), make to rest, sit.

Gen 4:7 HiSB הֲל֤וֹא ha·Lo not אִם־ 'im- If תֵּיטִיב֙ tei·Tiv thou doest well שְׂאֵ֔ת se·'Et, will not be lifted וְאִם֙ ve·'Im and if לֹ֣א lo not תֵיטִ֔יב tei·Tiv, well לַפֶּ֖תַח lap·Pe·tach at the door חַטָּ֣את chat·Tat sin רֹבֵ֑ץ ro·Vetz; lieth וְאֵלֶ֙יךָ֙ ve·'e·Lei·cha and תְּשׁ֣וּקָת֔וֹ te·Shu·ka·To, And unto thee [shall be] his desire וְאַתָּ֖ה ve·'at·Tah you תִּמְשָׁל־ tim·shol- and thou shalt rule בּֽוֹ׃ bo.

Gen 4:7 AEIB הא  behold אן  if תשפר  you will do right קבלת  I have received ואלא  and if not תשפר  you will do right על  before תרעא  the door חטהא  sin רביע  lies in wait אנת  you תתפנא  you will be converted לותה  to it והו  and it נשתלט  will be authorized בך  over you

Gen 4:7 ABP ουκ αν  If not ορθώς  rightly προσενέγκης  you brought, ορθώς  [ 3 rightly δε   1 but μη   2 not] διέλης  divided, ήμαρτες  you sinned? ησύχασον  Be still, προς  to σε  you shall be η αποστροφή αυτού  his submission, και  and συ  you άρξεις  will control αυτού  him!


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