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Rush to Hush!

 Hurry, come in, and be quiet! It's STUDY time!

We are always in a hurry, to do this or that.  It seems, there is never enough time to get things done.  And sometimes, we just have to relax and allow ourselves to think through difficult situations, to make sure we are doing everything correctly, to achieve the best results.  

Like a Doctor, who quickly, but quietly goes over every aspect of a difficult surgery, upon which he must soon begin.  Making sure everyone knows what to do, and when to do it, and that all tools are laid out in proper order.  This is done quickly and decisively, due to ceasing to think of nothing but the surgery, and focusing all of his attention upon the task at hand.  The Doctor is only able to CARE for the patient, as he pushes distractions out of his mind, focusing his mental energy towards the care and recovery of his patient.  

A good preacher is like unto the example of the Doctor above, and Paul has an admonition for Timothy, that may well apply to many who seek to minister to others.  

2Ti 2:15 KJV Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

The Greek word for study is spoudazo, and means to make haste, exert oneself, be diligent.

The Aramaic word for study is wnet,bTel, and means to cease, to be idle, or at ease, to be concerned with.

The Greek shows us to that in order to be diligent, we must also be quick about getting this done.  While the Aramaic reveals, that in order to give proper care to the task at hand, we must cease from all other activity, as we seek to present ourselves before Elohiym, as a minister of righteousness, adequately prepared for the work of the Kingdom. 

You see, we really must Rush to Hush, as we enter into our sabbath study, allowing His word to exhort, reprove and correct us, making us instruments in our Masters hand.  

We can see, then, that study, requires diligence and rest.  Which is not a nap, but rather, a quiet time for meditation and prayer, with in depth thoughtful study. Allowing the instructions of Yah to be written upon our hearts.  

Do we really understand what it means to enter into His rest?  Perhaps, we should study out this subject in detail, so that we may truly enter into His rest through faith. Hebrews 4:11


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